
Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Fab Five #6


This weeks fab five are things I've gotten for free! (or almost free minus shipping) 
I'm posting this a little bit early this week so you can take advantage of these deals too : )

#1 Free Baby Sling
I got this sling for free! I used a coupon code for breastfeeding awareness month and only had to pay shipping which was around $11. The print I choose is Newport. I love the aqua and pink! I choose those colors for my baby's nursery too. You can get yours free by using the code PJBABY at Seven Slings. Remember there are sizes for the slings, I almost missed that. There is a sizing chart to help you pick the right size. 

#2 Aqua Silicone Watch
I heard about these free watches over at, thanks Abby! All I had to pay was shipping and handling. I bought mine from
 I'm not sure if the deal is still on now. I love this watch is looks so much better in person! 

washable nursing pads
#3 a set of Bamboobies reusable nursing pads. 
Just visit the site to claim yours! Hurry up there is only one more day left to claim them. (which is why I'm posting this early and not on Friday). They have a few other things on sale if you like their products. They are really thin so you don't have to worry about the big circles showing through your nursing bra. 

Nursing Pillow
 #4 Free Nursing Pillow
Use Promo Code "BFWEEK13" at 
I almost got one of these too, but I already have a boppy. It's a great deal if you don't have one though, you also have to pay shipping around $12. 

 #5 Free or priceless? 
My soon to be middle daughter fell asleep on her little sister (a.k.a 31 week belly)
while watching home videos on the computer. She wanted to pull my shirt up to see the baby move, it's one of her favorite things right now. She's so excited to be a big sister! 
So sweet!

Hopefully you can take advantage of some of these great deals this week, I love free!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing!! Free stuff is always welcome in my house, lol! The last pic is definetly priceless!
