
Friday, April 26, 2013

Fab Five on Friday's #1

Fab Five on Friday's

I wanted to start sharing some of my favorite things with you. They may be crafts, tutorials, or products I love. I may also have a theme each week. This week it kind of a mix, with mostly baby stuff. Can you tell baby is on my mind? : ) Hopefully you will find some of these helpful.


1. This rocker makeover is from the Winthrop Chronicles, check out the tutorial here. 
I have never thought of making over a glider this way, and ours really needs it! I can't wait to do something similar in our nursery.


2. How adorable is this light switch plate?! You can purchase it here. It's that perfect little something extra in you little ones room.

3. I love Maybelline Baby lips gloss. It's basically a chapstick/gloss. I love the peach tint, which is in the purple tube. It's easy to put on, you don't need a mirror since the color is so light. It's amazing! It's super moisturizing, and color is awesome. It's a little under $3 at Target and Wal-Mart. I found a $1 coupon for it on the Target website a few weeks ago.  
4.  I love the muslin blankets that are so popular right now. I found this tutorial on Pinterest for this feather print one here.  There is also one on MADE, you can find it here. I've read that you can find the material at Joann's for around $5/yard.
I also love the ones by Aden and Anais ones you can purchase here. I love the peacock feather one, and those medallions are amazing!
mela bamboo swaddles

5. Turban headbands on little girls. SO cute! I need to make some for my girls. I don't know if I'm brave enough, or trendy enough to wear one myself. There are a ton of tutorials on Pinterest for these.

So there you have it, my top 5 fav's for the week. Have a great weekend!

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